Clean bastards by Martijn Joling.png


What are you working on now, during this year's MTG?
We are researching the theme of cleaning.
Making a mess is easy, but cleaning it all up is a big effort that we sometimes wish to avoid.
Perhaps because we are just too lazy or maybe due to lack of time.
Together with 3 dancers, I will spend the MTG time working on developing a movement vocabulary purely based on the physical act of cleaning.
The aim is to create a base for a humorous, interactive performance / course about this very familiar part of most people’s daily lives.

Why do you want to join MTG?
I believe MIND THE GAP is a great platform to explore new ideas and to experiment.
I have heard very nice things from colleagues and friends, and as a newcomer in Norway I think the this platform is a great opportunity.

Why are you interested in dance?
I believe working with the body is the most beautiful way to celebrate being alive.

Can you tell a fun fact about yourself?
We were busy cleaning and wearing masks already before the 12th of March.
I believe Scenehuset has never been better cleaned than the last 3 days before the lockdown.
Not because of corona, but because of this research.


Amy Pender, Carl Joseph Aquilizan og Martijn Dirk Joling i Clean Bastards. Foto: Martijn Joling

Amy Pender, Carl Joseph Aquilizan og Martijn Dirk Joling i Clean Bastards.
Foto: Martijn Joling